Must-Haves for an LDAP Deprovisioning Solution

Challenges in Deprovisioning LDAP Users or Objects

In our experience, every one of our customers has a different deprovisioning need.  Some customers only want to deprovision users using a web interface others want to take data from an export from another system and do it in an automated way.  Some of our customers delete users outright while others may want users disabled and moved to a special OU.  These are just examples.  There are many other things organizations need to do when deprovisioning users and objects.  You may change the user’s groups, may disable or delete them in other systems, etc.

Must-Haves for an LDAP Deprovisioning Solution

One way to do effective directory deprovisioning without the need to code or script is with effective Identity and Access Management solutions like Web Active Directory’s PeoplePlatform.  Safe delegation of the ability to do deprovisioning via a web-browser is a good solution.  Details of how this is done are important when considering such a solution.

Follow this link and select our white paper entitled:  Must-Haves for an LDAP Deprovisioning Solution.  In this paper you can read more detail about what to consider when looking at these solutions.