At Web Active Directory, we get a good number of prospects that visit our website and ask for evaluations for our products. One category of prospects includes small- to medium-sized businesses looking for ways to automate and delegate Windows Active Directory updates to end-users. Companies sized from 100 – 1,000 employees typically have this need. Our PeopleUpdate solution provides an extremely robust set of features that often overwhelm enterprises like this, but once you peel back the covers and really understand the power of PeopleUpdate with regard to time savings, there can be a HUGE ROI from a productivity perspective.
One objection we often hear about our solutions is that “we don’t need all of the bells and whistles, just the minimum to get by.” This totally makes sense as we are a small business as well and are always giving this type of objection to vendors that we are looking at to help us run our business. However, we find that Active Directory admins in smaller enterprises typically wear more hats than just being an AD admin. Having a solution that can help automate multiple AD tasks that these admins currently have to accomplish allows time to focus on more pressing issues rather than making Active Directory updates. And Active Directory self-service updates are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to delegation. I would like to give you the top five reasons why many smaller enterprises benefit from a more robust solution and the top feedback we get from them when you do invest in PeopleUpdate:
- Delegating distribution group management is a huge time saver for almost all prospects we talk to. Automating the process for adding/deleting members in groups is powerful when you look at how often this occurs in even the smallest organizations.
- Delegate user management functions such as password resets, Windows user account unlocks and enablements to the help desk, office administrators or managers. Once you get past your first thought of not doing this because of the security issues and deploy this functionality, you will see how beneficial this is and how easy it is to securely deploy this feature.
- Allow different AD updates to departments that own the information. For example, HR should have the ability to update a person’s title, location, department, distribution groups, managed by, and other attributes. Extremely powerful functionality when you get into who can see and update what information about a user as the possibilities are endless and can really be customized to meet about every scenario out there.
- Run reports against your Active Directory that can show information about users, computers, groups, network shares, or other objects in Active Directory. The sky is the limit on how you can use Active Directory information. Want to know how many disabled users, or Windows XP computers, or employees in your Pittsburg office? Or better yet, have the business owner that actually owns that information pull it herself.
- Target who sees what information about a person or group. While searching for employees in Active Directory, there are times when you would like the user to see certain information about the user for which they are searching, and sometimes not. For example, IT and HR users should be viewing different information about your employees than regular end-users so they can act on that information more quickly.
These are only the top five reasons. Typically, once prospects see our PeopleUpdate tool in their environment and everything it can do to eliminate repetitive and monotonous AD tasks that you currently complete on a daily and weekly basis, folks get on board. And once I give you the price, you will be even more impressed.
Please contact us today to get your free 30-day evaluation of PeopleUpdate so you can see for yourself that self-service Active Directory updates are only the beginning to how you can save time and money!
For more information contact us at, or call us at (+1) 800-747-3565.