We have been getting a ton of traffic lately from MSPs that are becoming more and more frustrated with managing data and accounts in Active Directory and the operational costs associated with this menial task. Most of the administrators have been toying with the idea of actually creating their own web applications to delegate out to their customers, but cannot find the time.
The MSPs that do eventually break down and start looking for existing tools find them to be very complicated for their needs and are priced to meet enterprise needs and not theirs (a per-user model).
We have been hit over the head too many times to not make an attempt to satisfy MSP’s needs, so Web Active Directory is now providing solutions specific to the MSP market.
Call us to learn more about this offering for MSPs and let us show how we can meet the needs of Active Directory account and data management and meet your pricing expectations. You may also ask us how some MSPs are actually turning our tools into a revenue source as well!
Contact us for more information.