Provision in Active Directory, Google, and Office365 All at Once

When creating users with Web Active Directory’s PeoplePlatform, you can simultaneously provision in Active Directory, Google, and Office365.  What are the advantages of doing this?  There are several:

  1. Eliminate having to do it manually
  2. At provisioning time you can take advantage of the platform’s Business Rules feature to translate your inputs into accurate choices for group membership (especially in the case of Google) and licensing (especially in the case of Office365).  Also put users in the Google container that you want according to your rules
  3. There is no sync solution.  Accounts created in Active Directory are simultaneously (optionally) created in the other two systems
  4. Passwords in multiple systems are consistent immediately
  5. Multiple systems fed by a single, simple, configurable user interface

Google and Office365 Aren’t All We Do

Web Active Directory also partners with Microsoft to offer SSO with over 2,500 other external systems.  With the Web Active Directory platform you can get into the cloud without throwing away your Active Directory and paying someone to host the entire thing outside of your firewall.

De-provisioning users from Active Directory can also trigger actions in external systems according to your business rules.  For example, in a de-provisioning process you may want to delete the user’s Google account, change their Office365 licensing so that they have a shared mailbox, and disable them in Active Directory moving them to a special OU in the process.  All of that is possible to automate in Web Active Directory’s platform.