Collated Active Directory User Reports

It’s important as an Active Directory administrator to know information about your directory users and anomalies in their data.  Ideally one would be able to find such anomalies and get views of the data without pouring over thousands of records.  For this, it can be helpful to collate results from your reports.

Collated Active Directory User Reports in PowerShell

When you run the following script on your server, it will fetch users from your Active Directory and group them by their job title.  It’s possible to use other attributes other than the job title.  With a little bit of effort, you could export this to a CSV, HTML file, or send it in an email.

import-module activedirectory
$usrs = @(Get-AdUser -Properties cn, title -Filter {(title -like "*")})
$usrs | Group-Object title | Select Count, Name | Sort Name

You might want to use a service account (“-Credentials” on your PowerShell commands) to keep things more secure.

Collated User Reports in Web Active Directory’s PeopleAudit

Web Active Directory’s PeopleAudit allows you to run a report like this on demand or delegate it safely for others in your organization to run via their web browser. Users can filter and sort the results on the fly, and with a single button press print the results or export to your clipboard, PDF, Excel, or CSV.

In addition, these reports allow your users to drill into the results to get more details and to view the results graphically via pie or bar charts.

Safely and securely specify the service account to use to perform the reporting tasks.  Customize the report to be run against specific or multiple domains.

Customize the report results, drill-down parameter, and filters without scripting or coding.

You can also schedule these reports to be delivered to you or others in your organization via emails that you can configure without scripting or coding.